Tag: michele carlo

Meet Our “Before & After” Storytellers

Our first story meeting for our first student matinee is tonight! But FIRST, meet our “Before & After” alum storytellers.

These four storytellers participated in four different NYTI shows over the past decade. They are meeting tonight to help each other develop their true tales inspired by the theme “Before & After” on the page.

On March 13, they will swap stories on stage for students and faculty from Global Learning Collaborative High School.

Meet our NYTI alums!

We’re excited to build our creative community by having alum storytellers return and trade tales with a new story partner!

These matinees for students working on their college essays are a dynamic example of how the No, YOU Tell It! collaborative process makes writing and performing personal narratives accessible, empathetic, and transformative.

We hope to do more student shows and are raising $2500 in March to make that happen.

If 50 people donate $50, we’ll reach our goal! Want to be one?

Donate $50 here via our fiscal sponsor, The Field, to get the ball rolling.

Want to see this special show at Symphony Space at 1 pm on March 13? Email noyoutellit@gmail.com for a ticket!

WORD Anthology Event!

In two weeks, join us on 4/20 at WORD Brooklyn to celebrate our 10-Year Anthology. Producers Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons and Erika Iverson will provide behind-the-scenes insights on creating a new kind of nonfiction series.

Hear anthology selections from Brooklyn contributors Michele Carlo and Alexandra Gray.

Plus, generate and trade your own tiny true tale! More info and RSVP here.

Episode 63 – What I Know (Part 2)

This first story takes us on the painful and isolating journey of struggling with stubborn fibroids. Kicking off the second half of our “What I Know” show, our storyteller must find the strength to physically and mentally overcome the enemy inside. Click here to watch a live stream of the show via YouTube.

Here’s “Knowing is Half the Battle,” written by Sheria Mattis and performed by Michele Carlo.

What better way to celebrate Women’s History Month and 10 years of No, YOU Tell It! than this stellar storyteller swap introduced by their director Erika Iverson.

Story partners: Michele Carlo and Sheria Mattis

Switching it up, our final storyteller reflects on her youthful battle to control her hair in an attempt to redefine her identity.

“Viva La Curlvolution!” was written by Michele Carlo, performed here by Sheria Mattis.

The first in-person show of our 10-year anniversary season took place at Culture Lab, LIC, in Queens on March 7th, 2022.

“What I Know” Program

Mar 07 2022 @ 7:00PM

No, YOU Tell It! “What I Know” is tonight. Come out to hear these stellar stories that the tellers have been working so hard on performed at Culture Lab, LIC!

  • Show starts at 7, doors open at 6:30, proof of vaccination is required.
  • $15 suggested donation cash at the door; CLICK HERE to donate online.

Take a look at our “What I Know” storytellers who are trading true tales.

TL: Julia Granacki; TR: Sheria Mattis; BL: Hannah Leland; BR: Michele Carlo

Tonight’s Stories!

No One Told Me written by Julia Granacki, performed by Hannah Leland, and directed by Marcos Stafne

Finally Arriving written by Hannah Leland, performed by Julia Granacki, and directed by Marcos Stafne

Knowing is Half the Battle written by Sheria Mattis, performed by Michele Carlo, and directed by Erika Iverson

Viva La Curlvolution! written by Michele Carlo, performed by Sheria Mattis, and directed by Erika Iverson

Listen carefully because there will be story trivia after the show! Special shoutout to Timothy Lindner of Revisionary Writing and Editing, LLC for all the social media and show support.

On a personal note, we are thrilled to be back at Culture Lab, LIC for a LIVE show and our very first LIVESTREAMED No, YOU Tell It!

What an amazing way to celebrate 10 years of switching stories to embody each other’s experiences!

Want to support 10 more years? Here are 3 great ways:

  1. SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter for updates.
  2. SHARE the No, YOU Tell It! Podcast far and wide. Available on our website and your fav podcasting platforms.
  3. DONATE through our fiscal sponsor The Field. Plus, it’s tax-deductible.

Thank you!
Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons


Event Information

Mar 07 2022 @ 7:00PM

Culture Lab LIC, (5-25 46th Avenue, Long Island City, New York, NY 11101)

Meet “What I Know” Storyteller Michele Carlo

Mar 07 2022 @ 7:00PM

Rehearsals start this weekend for our “What I Know” show. We can’t wait for you to hear these story swaps at Culture Lab, LIC on Monday!

First, meet our final storyteller, Michele Carlo.

Photo credit: Mindy Tucker

Michele Carlo has told stories across the U.S., including the Moth’s Mainstage in NYC, RISK!’s live shows and podcast, on NPR and the WGBH-PBS series “Stories from the Stage.” She is also an actor, podcast host and author of the NYC-set memoir “Fish Out Of Agua.” www.michelecarlo.com

Event Information

Mar 07 2022 @ 7:00PM

Culture Lab LIC, (5-25 46th Avenue, Long Island City, New York, NY 11101)

Up Next: “What I Know” Show

Save the date for No, YOU Tell It! “What I Know” on Monday, March 7th at Culture Lab, LIC.

In celebration of women’s history month, four women storytellers have worked together to develop true tales inspired by the theme “What I Know” on the page. Come watch as they swap and step into each other’s life experiences on stage. Plus, play story trivia for the chance to win fun literary prizes.