
We recently wrapped up our fall workshop, where participants followed the NYTI formula of drafting a story based on a theme, in this instance Fated, revising those pieces, then switching-up and performing them. We’re grateful to The Astoria Bookshop for hosting the public reading. A final workshop session allowed the authors to compare their experiences and explore options for further revisions.

Speaking of the process, here’s a testimonial from May Flam about her experience:

I had no idea how valuable switched-up storytelling would be for my writing and performing. I decided to take the workshop to “shake up” my performing voice and make myself write. As someone who has only ever performed my own stories, I was enlightened when performing a piece with a different sensibility and tone than my usual writing. The vulnerability and immediacy with which I had to perform showed me that before this workshop, I had been holding back. I would recommend this workshop to anyone interested in writing and/or performing. No, YOU Tell It’s writing exercises, performance direction, and workshop model have honestly been more helpful to my growth as a performer than any other model I’ve ever tried. And all by telling another person’s story. Who knew?

From the reading at the Astoria Bookshop, here’s Cailean O’Connor performing “A Painless Chronicle” written by May Flam.

Our second half of the night paired workshop participants Steve Baird and Amanda Jacklin, who wrote the stories “Animal Rescue” and “Journey to the Top” respectively. Below you can listen as they perform one another’s pieces.

Of the workshop experience, here’s what Amanda had to say:

I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to work with talented writing instructors and classmates, and feel that my writing improved as a result.  I also had a blast doing the reading – it was more fun than I ever would have expected!

Echoing those sentiments, Steve said that “NYTI was a fun, enjoyable process with a very supportive group of directors and writers. As a first-time story writer (and teller) I learned a lot.”

If you’re interested in taking part in an upcoming workshop, or bringing one to your school or business, get in touch with us!