
News from the world of No You Tell It

Visit Us at The Queens Book Festival!


We are excited to be part of major literary explosion in Queens! The Queens Book Festival is happening this Sunday, August 7th, at Kaufman Astoria Studios.

Come visit us at the No, YOU Tell It! table for some literary swag, information about upcoming shows and workshops, and other fun surprises.

The Queen Book Festival is from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and FREE to the entire community with a wide range of activities suited to families and folks of every age!

Click here to check out the full schedule of literary happenings!

Sip-N-Scribe for Queens Writes Weekend

Our own Kelly Jean and “3 Strikes” alum Jenn Wehrung have teamed up to co-host a monthly Sip-N-Scribe at QED: A Place To Show & Tell. PLUS, this month there is bonus Sip-N-Scribe as a a part of *Queens Writes Weekend. Join us!

Sip-N-Scribe is a chance to push away from your keyboard, put pen to paper, and mingle with other writers in person! While writing is a solitary act, there are also times when you need to shake things up a bit and draw inspiration from fellow scribes. $5 suggestion donation.


Here’s how it works:

  • Round 1 – Sippers-N-Scribers are given the first half of a creative writing prompt and start writing.
  • Round 2 – Everyone trades papers with a partner and, inspired by the second half of the writing prompt, continues working on the piece the first person started.
  • Intermission – Drinking is not required but beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase along with light snacks and pastries.
  • Round 3 – One last trade, plus a TWIST to finish the piece with style.

At the end of the session, people are encouraged to share the writing they co-created. The first two brave souls to share win a cookie! The goal is to experiment with something new on the page in an informal, relaxed way, all while hanging out with your friends and hopefully making new ones.

No one is here to write the next Great American novel. But hey, if that happens, please include us in the special thanks!


*What is Queens Writes Weekend? It’s a fun, three-day event organized by and benefitting Newtown Literary Alliance, Inc., a nonprofit organization which publishes the semiannual literary journal Newtown Literary, dedicated to supporting and promoting the work of Queens writers. Queens Writes Weekend is about getting the people of our borough to write, whether they are professional writers, hobbyists, or complete newcomers to writing. The literary scene in Queens is thriving and this weekend-long event serves to bring together the community yet again to celebrate writing, reading, and the written word. Visit for more info. Click here for a full calendar of events.


Literary Bar Crawl Anyone?

No, YOU Tell It! is excited to be part of the first ever Q-Boro Literary Crawl this Thursday, April 7th in Long Island City. Buy your tickets here. They are $10 more on site, so get them in advance!

Our venue is Manducatis Rustica: Pizza! Wine! Switched-up STORYTELLING from these fine folks. What could be better?? Click here to learn more about the participating No, YOU Tell It! alums.


Telling Your True-Life Tale Workshop

Sign up for a Six-Week Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop

with No, YOU Tell It! Creator & Producer Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons

 March 30 – May 4 from 7-9pm in Manhattan – OR April 3 – May 8 from 2-4pm in Astoria

KJ by Gili Getz


What is this workshop all about? Working on a memoir? Thinking about a one-person show? Want to get that story that always kills at your local bar down on paper? Or, craft an idea into a publishable personal essay? Perfect!

The emphasis is on generating and revising nonfiction work. Each week, participants will explore new literary techniques, discuss published work, do in-class writing games, and critique each other’s material. At the end of the workshop, there will be a group reading (for those wishing to participate) at a local bookstore, bar, or café.

Who am I? I am an award-winning essayist, and work as a writing instructor in Fairleigh Dickinson University’s College Writing Program and teach creative writing workshops at The Astoria Bookshop. I also produce No, YOU Tell It!, a “switched-up” storytelling series dedicated to performing true-life tales with a twist: Each NYTI participant develops their own story on the page and then flips scripts with a partner to present each other’s story on stage. Click here to read a spotlight interview with me about the series.

Who do I work with? Taking what I’ve learned from producing No, YOU Tell It!, as well as teaching at FDU and The Astoria Bookshop, I designed this workshop for anyone who wants to explore various ways to shape their true-life tale on the page.

I have worked with all kinds of writers — college students, playwrights, screenwriters, short fiction writers, songwriters, poets, monologists, and essayists — and what unites them all is a willingness to experiment and expand how they think about crafting their personal experience into an impactful written piece.

Class size is limited to 6 participants, and there are two sessions to choose from:

  • Session I: Wednesdays, March 30th to May 4th from 7-9pm at an office space in Manhattan, on Lafayette near Astor Place.
  • Session II: Sundays, April 3rd to May 8th from 2-4pm at my apartment in Astoria, near 37th/Broadway. Note: I have a cat, in case you are allergic.

Price: $175 for 6 sessions, plus group reading – date/time TBD.

Email me at with questions or CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.

Q-Boro Lit Crawl – April 7th

Who’s excited to be part of the April 7th Q-Boro Lit Crawl? We are! Queens is going to be L-I-T!!!

queens lit crawl

What is the Q-Boro Crawl? On April 7th, one of Long Island City’s most vibrant food and business corridors, Vernon Boulevard, will host the inaugural Q-Boro Literary Crawl. The event, the first of its kind in the borough, celebrates the literary and artistic community of Queens and creates a hip event celebrating national poetry month. More info at:

How will No, YOU Tell It! be part of this inaugural event? NYTI Alumns from our past 4 years of switched-up storytelling shows (4 YEARS wow!!) will come back to RE-FLIP-UP their stories with a new partner. That’s right, we’re switching-up the switch-up! You don’t want to miss this!

Save the date and more info on the storytellers soon…

Sink or Swim Workshop Showcase

Nothing Informs Your Story Like Hearing Someone Else Perform Your Story!

For the last few weeks, participants who signed-up for the No, YOU Tell It! workshop led by Kelly Jean and Erika at Q.E.D. in Astoria have been working to develop their true-life tales on the page.

Join us on Wed, 2/17 at 7:30 as they take the Q.E.D. stage to swap stories inspired by the theme “Sink or Swim.”

“Switched-Up” Storytellers:
Elizabeth Frank
Mike Tartaglia
Molly Touger

PLUS, NYTI alum and comedian Jenn Wehrung (Laugh It Up, Astoria!) will kick-off the evening with some “Sink or Swim” stand-up!


(Photo credit: Larry Auerbach)

RSVP on Facebook. Click here to purchase tickets for the workshop showcase at QED.

Want to host a “switched-up” storytelling workshop at your school, office, or organization? Visit our Workshops page for more information or contact us at

Sign-up for our “Sink or Swim” workshop at Q.E.D.

Want to switch-up your true-life tale inspired by the theme Sink or Swim? We’d love to work with YOU!

NYTI team members Kelly Jean and Erika are teaching another No, YOU Tell It! workshop at Q.E.D. in Astoria starting January 23rd and there are a couple of spots open for registration.

QED Workshop Collagephoto credit: Mike Dawson

WRITE your story and PERFORM someone else’s in a workshop showcase on the Q.E.D. stage. We’ll work with you to brainstorm your story in the first session, so you only need pen & paper to start!

Our page to stage process is beneficial to writers, performers, or anyone interested in trying their hand at storytelling. No, YOU Tell It! switched-up storytelling workshops combine theater and storytelling to help you find your voice AND hear it through someone else’s.

Questions? Email  Click here for workshop details and to REGISTER TODAY.

Resolve to take our workshop at Q.E.D. in 2016!

Want to get your story down on the page? Gain more confidence on stage? It’s your time to do both!

QED Workshop Collage

Photos from our ‘Tongue-Tied’ workshop by Mike Dawson.

Registration is now open for our winter “switched-up” storytelling workshop at QED: A Place To Show & Tell and features:

  • A brainstorming session designed to kick-start your first draft, inspired by the theme “Sink or Swim.” All you need is a pen (or pencil, if that’s your thing) and paper to start!
  • Two story workshop sessions to help you refine your true-life tale on the page. Class size is limited to make sure every piece gets heard and every writer reads at each session.
  • An individual one-hour rehearsal with a No, YOU Tell It! director to work on your partner’s story.

Then you will perform on the Q.E.D. stage! The workshop finishes with a showcase where YOU, the writers, will swap stories and perform each other’s true-life tale for an audience.

Class dates are Saturdays 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, and 2/13 from 12-2 pm.

The workshop showcase is February 17th at 7:30 pm and open to the public.

$200  – Click here for more info and to register today!

Winners! Newtown Literary’s Book Trivia Night!

The No, YOU Tell It! team took a break from casting the pods this week to participate in (and win!!) Newtown Literary’s Second Annual Book Trivia Night in Astoria! We had so much fun and were happy to help raise money for Issue 7 of the journal, which comes out soon and includes our own Kelly Jean’s personal essay Waked.

Newtown Literary is published by Newtown Literary Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping support and promote new and emerging writers living in Queens, NY. Submissions are now open for Issue 8 until Jan 10th, 2016! Find out more here.

Pictured left to right is our wicked smaaat team: Erika Iverson, David Trudo, Jessica Cannon, Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons, and Mike Dressel. Speaking of podcasts, click here to give a listen to Jessica Cannon – literary savvy voice over artist and NYTI alum featured in Episode 6!

newtown book trivia

What do you win at a Book Trivia night? A bag of books from our friends at The Astoria Bookshop, plus TONS of other great local prizes! Thank you to Newtown Literary and everyone who worked on organizing the event.

Two weeks until our last show of 2015! See you at No, YOU Tell It! ‘Temper, Temper’ on 11/17 – 7 pm at Jimmy’s No. 43. FREE! RSVP via Facebook.

No, YOU Tell It! at The Brooklyn Book Festival

We had a great time at The Literary Review‘s booth today at The Brooklyn Book Festival.  TLR Associate Prose Editor and ‘3 Strikes’ switched-up storyteller Kahle Alford met with writers interested in submitting to TLR during Editor Office Hours while our own Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons took a less literary approach to the day…

Brooklyn Book Festival collage

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