Nov 18 2014 @ 7:00PM
Just a quick reminder: we’re going to unleash our next switched-up storytelling joint, entitled Uproar, on November 18th. Mark your calendars accordingly.
News from the world of No You Tell It
Just a quick reminder: we’re going to unleash our next switched-up storytelling joint, entitled Uproar, on November 18th. Mark your calendars accordingly.
Switching it up to close out the show, here is Shelley Gazes performing Nelson Lugo’s story “Crazy Sad.”
Beginning the second half of the evening, here is Nelso Lugo performing “All in the Cards” written by Shelley Gazes.
Now, switching it up, here is Roger Nasser performing Raquel I. Penzo’s “My Almost-Jan-Brady.”
Starting out our evening entitled Wild Card, here is Raquel I. Penzo performing Roger Nasser’s story “The Elusive Card #66.“
Here they are, the four storytellers who’ll be swapping tales of pop culture obsessions, psychic encounters, birth-order myths, and broken pottery. Let’s get to know them:
Shelley Gazes has studied fiction and nonfiction writing at Barnard College, Sarah Lawrence College’s Writing Institute, Gotham Writers Workshop, and MediaBistro. Her work has appeared in The Journal News and The Huffington Post. She is also a regular volunteer for 826NYC’s storytelling field trips for children, helping students to foster their own creative voices. She’s excited for her work to be performed for the first time with No, YOU Tell It! and looks forward to taking part in more storytelling events in the future.
Nelson Lugo is a Magician, Sideshow Artist, and Batman enthusiast. He was featured by TimeOut NY as an Entertainer to Watch and co-hosts a podcast called “The EPIC PIEcast” for He’s been a guest speaker for The Sunday Assembly NYC, a guest singer for the BTK Band, a storyteller at Adam Wade’s Whatever Happened to the Nerds, and was featured on the Story Collider podcast twice. He is currently performing a solo show called “Gathering The Magic” at The Tank Theater which you can see on Saturday September 20th that is slice-of-life storytelling and sophisticated stage magic. More info at
Roger Nasser is a writer, actor, director, gourmet rice crispie treat maker and a native New Yorker (Go Queens!). His plays have been performed at The Brick, La Mama and The Flea. As an actor he has appeared in numerous indie theater productions. He is an Associate Artistic Director at The Brick Theater. He is also the Late Night Curator at The Brick and produces and curates The Cleverbot Plays. Roger is also writing and directing It’s Getting Tired Mildred, a soap opera for the stage, premiering October 11 at The Brick. He is excited to be part of this!!
Raquel I. Penzo is a Brooklyn, NY native who has carved a career for herself as a writer, editor, and literary event curator. She hosts the New Voices Reading Series each quarter in NYC and works as a copywriter at Brooklyn Public Library. Raquel authored the self-published My Ego Likes the Compliments…And Other Musings on Writing, and the short stories, “Grey Matter,” published online at Blue Lake Review, and “Perspective on a Murder,” published by Mason’s Road. An anthology of works from participants of her reading series was released on April 29. She can be found online at
Our next storytelling show, Wild Card, is a little more than a week away. We drafted artist Sarah Gentile to create our themed image, which as you can see is intricate and dynamic and wonderful. Asked about her inspiration, here’s what she had to say:
When presented with the theme of “Wild Card,” the first (and probably most obvious) things that came to mind were playing cards. I love face cards and knew right off that I wanted to create my own Joker. What snuck its way in a bit unexpectedly was the loop symbol for infinity. Maybe it was stuck in the back of my mind while I sketched.
It seems appropriate that I include it, though, because for me a wild card or Joker represents infinite possibility and change. I hope to convey through this image a bit of chaos and order, motion and stasis, positive and negative space, looping into that sideways figure-eight as a reminder of the infinite possibilities within our lives and the stories we tell.
Indeed. We love that notion, too, of “the infinite possibilities within our lives and the stories we tell.“
We’ll be introducing our four Wild Card storytellers shortly. Details on the reading are here.
We had such a terrific time with our Alumni reading at the Astoria Bookshop that we’ve gone ahead and planned a storytelling workshop in our favorite neighborhood. Maybe that’s something you’d be interested in attending? Sessions will be held on Sunday afternoons beginning September 7th, and the five-week workshop includes a public reading at the bookstore. We are finalizing our participants but still have space if you want to take part. Further details, including times, fees, and all the fine print, can be found here on Facebook or by emailing us .
Looking ahead, our next proper storytelling show, Wild Card, will take place on September 17th. More info to come.
Here is the recording of our recent alumni reading at the Astoria Bookshop. It was a fun event, and we’re grateful to Lexi for hosting us. As always, thanks to our four veteran storytellers, Julia Granacki, Molly Touger, Jeff Wills, and Marcos Stafne, who offered up a new (and correct!) assessment of the NYTI story-making process as being “low stakes for people in their 30s and 40s.” Press play and enjoy the whole evening, or if you’re in a hurry you can cue up the individual stories:
Snake Dreams by Marcos Stafne (2:52)
Errant by Jeff Wills (22:23)
Break-Up Story by Julia Granacki (38:47)
On Becoming Cher by Molly Touger (52:33)
So, we’re putting the finishing touches on the stories we’ll be presenting at our special edition of No, YOU Tell It! at the Astoria Bookshop on July 17th. This evening will feature four of our series alumni: Julia Granacki, Marcos Stafne, Molly Touger, and Jeff Wills. After two years of presenting NYTI, we have a deep bench of innovative storytellers and we thought this would be a great opportunity to highlight the pieces they’ve been working on most recently.
You can find more info on our Facebook invite. Space is limited so please RSVP.
The reading starts at 7PM. The Astoria Bookshop is located at 31-29 31st Street in Astoria (btwn. Broadway and 31st Avenue), close to the Broadway stop on the N/Q train.
[Chalk art version of our logo courtesy of Marcos Stafne, who graciously hosted our first story meeting for this event. And provided snacks! Mmm snacks.]