To conclude Dark Woods, here is Chris Gebauer switching it up to perform “Unloaded” by Amanda Sisk.
News from the world of No You Tell It
Thanks for Coming to Dark Woods
What an amazing show last night! Congratulations to our Dark Woods switched-up storytellers Amanda Sisk, Chris Gebauer, May Flam, and Jason Bash. Photos and audio from the evening will be available soon.
Meanwhile, here are some lovely words from an audience member:
Excellent work last night! Thoroughly enjoyed it. I was transplanted to a different time and place with each story. Well done. Keep up the great work!
Interested in switching-up your story? Click here for details about our upcoming workshop at Q.E.D. A Place to Show & Tell in Astoria.
Meet Our Dark Woods Storytellers

You’ve seen Nikka Valken’s evocative artwork for Dark Woods and read what inspired her, now it’s time to meet the four storytellers who will take you through the wilderness.
Jason Bash is an award-winning writer, producer, and director of stage and screen. He has worked with Young Playwrights, Inc., The Dramatists Guild, MTV/VH1, numerous production companies, and currently instructs screenplay writing with Writers Boot Camp.
May Flam is a grants coordinator for a Jewish nonprofit, and is in her late 20s. She lives in Brooklyn.
Chris Gebauer is thrilled to be a part of No, You Tell it! He is a usually working actor and a recent graduate of NYU-TISCH. He has just gotten into storytelling (and really loves it). Chris most recently worked in Drunk Shakespeare and before that Puppet Titus Andronicus. You can also find his narration work on What really matters though is that he’s really excited to be here.
Amanda Sisk likes to consider herself the President of the United States. With her partner Noah Diamond, she has co-written and directed several political musicals for their theatre company Nero Fiddled. When she is not writing or yelling at political pundits on television, she can be found yelling at football players on television. Sisk enjoys running, yoga, karaoke, and seeing her name written on things. Mugs, tanks, and tees with “SISK” on them are available for a nominal fee. She thanks the gang at “No, YOU Tell It” for their patience, guidance, humor, and this wonderful opportunity.
Revelation Recording at QED
Here is the recording of our recent workshop showcase at QED: A Place to Show & Tell in Astoria. Thank you to our five switched-up storytellers, Alessia Donati, Jessica Cannon, Carrie Haugh, Katie Johnston, and Violet Olds.
Curious about taking our switched-up storytelling workshop? Press play and enjoy the whole evening to see what we’re all about, or you can cue up the individual stories:
Casper Evelyn Birdie by Alessia Donati (2:38)
– performed by Violet Olds
Swipe Right for Humanity by Violet Olds (15:03)
– performed by Alessia Donati
The Photo by Carrie Haugh (27:24)
– performed by Jessica Cannon
California Dreamin’ by Katie Johnston (40:28)
– performed by Carrie Haugh
My Guilty Heart by Jessica Cannon (54:35)
– performed by Katie Johnston
Our next session starts on 3/1, click here to register and save your spot!
Dark Woods is Approaching!
Our next switched-up storytelling show, Dark Woods, is fast approaching.
We reached out to artist Nikka Valken and asked her to create an image inspired by our theme. As you can see, the result is captivating and darkly delightful . Asked about her inspiration, here’s what she had to say:
When I think of the theme, Dark Woods, my mind goes straight to fairy tales, and of being a kid exploring the woods of my hometown. When I was young and small, I imagined whole worlds of even smaller people in every shrub and bramble bush. I pictured them going on exciting, vast journeys that could still happen within the span of my back yard. This mouse rider is off on just that sort of important, tiny adventure.
Join us next week for our first official No, YOU Tell It! of 2015. Click here for details and to RSVP.
Continue to lose yourself in the wonder of Nikka’s work on her Society 6 page:
Still room in our QED Workshop this March
We had a great show this week at QED: A Place to Show & Tell. Good news… There is still room to join us for our next one!
Sundays in March starting 3/1 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, plus a workshop showcase on the Q.E.D. stage on Tue, March 24th at 7 PM.
The workshop features:
- Freewriting exercises to kick-start your first draft.
- Two workshop sessions to refine your true-life tale.
- An individual rehearsal with a NYTI director to work on performing your partner’s story.
- A workshop showcase that is open to the public.
- A bonus post-show session to reflect on the impact of hearing your story performed, learn additional tools for revision, and receive tips on how to publish your polished personal essay.
Space is limited so click here to register. Questions? Feel free to contact us at
Thanks for coming to Revelation at QED!
Participants in our winter workshop at Q.E.D. commanded the stage last night to switch-up their REVELATION stories. We had a wonderful time working with these talented ladies!!
Thank you to everyone who came out for a lovely evening of stories, trivia, and swag giveaways.
Want to take part in our next No, YOU Tell It! workshop at Q.E.D.? Click here for more info and to register!