Thanks to everyone who came out to our “Here & Gone” show. It was a lovely evening that we won’t soon forget.
Check out the show program here and more photos on our Facebook page. SPECIAL THANKS to:
- Our amazing storytellers for boldly sharing their words and embodying their partners’ stories.
- Yelena Tylkina for her stunning Queens “Here & Gone” artwork.
- Ellie Dvorkin Dunn for being the best host.
- Grove 34 for the perfect venue.
- The Greater Astoria Historical Society for partnering with us on this special theme.
- Flushing Town Hall, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, and New York Foundation for the Arts for your grants and support.
- Sachyn Mital, for the photos!
- The whole NYTI creative team for all your work behind the scenes.
And always, the birthday girl Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons for keeping this important series alive!