
You’ve seen Nikka Valken’s evocative artwork for Dark Woods and read what inspired her, now it’s time to meet the four storytellers who will take you through the wilderness.

Jason Bash is an award-winning writer, producer, and director of stage and screen. He has worked with Young Playwrights, Inc., The Dramatists Guild, MTV/VH1, numerous production companies, and currently instructs screenplay writing with Writers Boot Camp.

May Flam is a grants coordinator for a Jewish nonprofit, and is in her late 20s. She lives in Brooklyn.

Chris Gebauer is thrilled to be a part of No, You Tell it! He is a usually working actor and a recent graduate of NYU-TISCH. He has just gotten into storytelling (and really loves it). Chris most recently worked in Drunk Shakespeare and before that Puppet Titus Andronicus. You can also find his narration work on What really matters though is that he’s really excited to be here.

Amanda Sisk likes to consider herself the President of the United States. With her partner Noah Diamond, she has co-written and directed several political musicals for their theatre company Nero Fiddled. When she is not writing or yelling at political pundits on television, she can be found yelling at football players on television. Sisk enjoys running, yoga, karaoke, and seeing her name written on things. Mugs, tanks, and tees with “SISK” on them are available for a nominal fee. She thanks the gang at “No, YOU Tell It” for their patience, guidance, humor, and this wonderful opportunity.