Thanks to everyone who came out to our “Here & Gone” show. It was a lovely evening that we won’t soon forget.

Left to right: Olena Jennings, Rosalie Chandler, Ellie Dvorkin Dunn, Lakshmi Gandhi, Dan Jessup. Photo by Sachyn Mital
Check out the show program here and more photos on our Facebook page. SPECIAL THANKS to:
- Our amazing storytellers for boldly sharing their words and embodying their partners’ stories.
- Yelena Tylkina for her stunning Queens “Here & Gone” artwork.
- Ellie Dvorkin Dunn for being the best host.
- Grove 34 for the perfect venue.
- The Greater Astoria Historical Society for partnering with us on this special theme.
- Flushing Town Hall, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, and New York Foundation for the Arts for your grants and support.
- Sachyn Mital, for the photos!
- The whole NYTI creative team for all your work behind the scenes.
And always, the birthday girl Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons for keeping this important series alive!